Monday, April 10, 2017

MadONNa : tHe sToRy of a pOp PriNceSs

'MadONNa : tHe sToRy of a pOp PriNceSs'

This entry, can be said to in all even truly deal with, and with what is said to speak of Perfectionism, or of a said even Perfect Form that is, and not of said even truly, former Pop Princess that is, Madonna. That what can be said Perfect, or of a said even Perfect Form, does too have one, said even imagining oneself, and from said talk, and of what is said even, a Fractured self that is, and that would too speak and of one and as said too Distraught for instance, and if not of what is said to in all too match, parallel, equal etc., one that is. That the said even belief that what is said Perfect, does truly and in all, not actually exist, would in all too point at, those said even Trickster, those said too Fool, and if not of the said even Jester too that is.

In speak though, and of the very name and of Madonna, and in said regard too, and to what is said Perfectionism that is, we too could be said to in all even speak, and of what is said Awareness in itself, and moreso than what is said Conscience in itself too that is, for it is in talk of Madonna, and in said regard to what is too said adaptation that is, and in too associating that said name of Madonna, and with talk of that other said name, Italian, and of Caravaggio, Merisi, Michelangelo too, and in said regard to what is too said, the Aecumenical Form that is. A said Form, Aecumenical that is, and that would too refer and to what is said Adaptation in itself, and in said regard and to what is said Media in itself too, but in talk too and of the said Aecumenical Form in itself, perhaps now a said even reference, and to what is in all believed said, and as said Apart, or as said a part, and if not of what is said separate too, and in said regard and to our said even Existences today too that is, but in speak and of the very name of Madonna, speak too now, and of what is said Afforded, what is said Bestowed, and if not of what is said Bequeathed too for instance.

In saying that, the above just said did in all, probably, not make for all said sense, now is to say it all and as said Awareness that is, and not Conscience truly either, but in said regard and to speak and of this very said entry, and of what is too said Perfect, Conscience, could too be said now equated, and to talk, and of that said even magnanimous term and of Spirit that is, and that does too ask of one, and in said regard and to what is too said Perfect, and of what in all, is said the Experience that is, or of what in all, it actually is said to be, the Experience that is. A said even here belief, that one, could truly retreat and into oneself, and in said regard and to speak, and of what can be said termed the Spirit Form, and as often said spirit too, but that in many a way, what too can be said is that, it all too, would in all even lead, and to our said even defining in all, and of what is said Significant that is, and in said Memory too, and if not of such said retreat, now said to in all even equate and to talk of the Experience, the search for it, what it actually is, and with talk too of the said Multitudinous that is, but of the Experience in itself, and as said to in all even hint, and at what is said to in all too speak, and of the said here too, difficult term, and in probable acceptance that is, and in said speak, and of what is said here Oneness that is.

The Experience, now said to in all even speak, and of ones said even definitions in all, and of what is said Perfect that is, but in too acquainting it all, and with talk and of Madonna, and of what is said Awareness that is, and as said too Flattery in itself, and of what is said Conscience, now said too, and to speak and of New York in itself for instance, as said too City that is, but if not of Madonna, and as said too an Artist, not said perceived as such and from talk, and of the probably said Libidinal that is, and of the said Libido too, and of many a said even famed Artist that is, but in probable speak now, and of what is simply said enlivened, and in talk too and of Madonna, and from said talk and of what is too simply said as significant that is.

In speak though and of Madonna, and as said too Artist, a said even World Artist that is, and of what too is said Perfect, it all too would in all even probably point at, what is said Mindfulness, of Doubt too, throw in Denial, and if not of said even Privacy too that is, and all as said in regard, and to what is said Significant that is, but in claiming it all as simply said even enlivened, and of Madonna and as simply said perceived Symbolist too, now is to and in all even refer, and to what is said censure that is, and in said regard and to speak and of the said name of Madonna too, and in too acquainting talk and of the said latter-day, and with talk too of both Philadelphia, City, American, and of the said City too and of Sao Paulo that is, and in Brazil too, of what is said Critique, and with talk too of both New York, and London too, said too as Names that is, of the said Structuralist, and in talk of both said Cities of Washington D.C., and of Ottawa and in Canada too, but in talk and of what is said Symbolist, talk too now and of what is said, to speak, and of the World and as it is, and if not of the said even famed City too, American, and of Boston too that is.

In all, all the above said, is simply said as such, and from talk, and of what is simply said Noted that is, and as probably simply said too as Imperfect that is.

Madonna -> Papa Don't Preach.

Sunday, April 2, 2017



This entry, will in all even attempt, to in all too tackle, what is believed said to in all even refer, and to what is said Creationism that is. That it in all too, will attempt, to in all even approach, talk, and of what is said Creationism, and from the said even here perspective, probably said too American that is, and of what in all a Caption, is in all too said all about that is. That in many a said way, the said even here, attempt, to in all even present Creationism, and from talk and of what is said Structuralism that is, of Functionalism too, and if not Modernism too that is. That it in all, will too attempt, to in all too Capture, the said even inherent meaning that is, and of what is said Creationism, and by in all too, associating it all that is, and with that very said term of Genesis, and as said Biblical that is. That it all too, Genesis that is, is believed said a term, and that would too be said to in all capture, what Creationism is in all even said all about, and from talk and of what too, Captioning, can too be said even to be that is.

That in said regard to what is said Modernism, Creationism, now said too and in all even perceived, and from what is said Time, and as said even perceived and from talk of what is said the Onset truly, and if not of said even beginnings or startings too, and that would too and in all even approach, talk too now, and of what is said Genesis, and from said talk too that is, and not of the Sun in itself, but of a said even Sunrise that is, or of the said even Sunlight too, and in now attempting to in all even truly associate talk of Modernism, and in said regard to what is said Creationism, and with the said even Cult of Aten, and that was once said too manifest that is, and in said regard and to talk, or in said reference too, and to a said too Pharaonic Egypt that is. In said regard to what is said Functionalism, and of what too is said Creationism, perhaps now is to speak or in all too make reference that is, and to what is said Fire, and if not in said Discovery too, but in said regard to what is said Genesis, speak too now and of Man, and in said too Invention, Discovery, Investigation, Research etc. that is. In talk though, and of what is said Structuralism, and in said regard to what is said Creationism, now is to and in all even approach it all, and from talk and of what is said Void, Empty, Formless etc., and of what too is said Genesis, and as said now to in all even speak and of the said 'spirit of God' that is, and in the said Book of Genesis too and in the Bible that is, and as simply said too 'hovering' over the Waters that is, and in said regard to what is said Structural for instance.

In having said all the above, now is to and in all even attempt to in all too, apply it all, and to talk and of the World, and as said even now perceived and as said collocated that is, and to speak and of Africa, for Creationism, is too said even subject, and that does too and in all even refer, and to the very manner in all, many would too be said to in all too perceive Africa that is. That in talk of Creationism and of Africa, but from the said perspective and of what is said Structuralism that is, now is to and in all even associate talk of Africa, and if not of Northern Africa truly, and with what is said Form, and of what is said Shape too, and with what is said Form, probably said to in all even refer, and to what is said Cogency that is, and of the said even Egyptian Mystery Schools too for instance, but in said regard to what is said Shape, probable speak now and of what is said Agency, and as said to in all even refer, and to speak now and of the said even History of Numidia that is, of the said even name and of Hannibal too, and if not of the said History and of the Church and in North Africa too, and of the very name of St. Augustine for instance, and of said 'City of God' fame too that is.

In talk though, and of what is said Creationism, and as said even now to refer, and to what is said to speak and of the World, and if not of what is said Worldly too that is, and if not of what is said too Structural that is, perhaps now is to in all even refer, or be said to in all even reference that is, what is said spirit, Form and if not of what is said Matter too that is, and in the said even envisioning that is, and of a World, and which in all and in said spirit, or as said in spirit, can too be said to speak and of what is said Iraq, but in said regard to what is said Form, speak too now and of what is said Iran, but in talk of Matter, it said too now, to in all too simply imply or lead, and to what is said Identity for instance, but of Identity too, and as said Personage, Parentage, and if not of said Tutelage too for instance, and as said to now too point at, and at the said even Persian Gulf region of the Middle East that is.

If the above just said was not enough to in all even satiate that is, or even simply satisfy too, ones said even perceptions and of what is said Creationism, perhaps now is to in all even revert, and to a said even older Standard, or said even definitions in all, and of what is said Creationism that is, and that did too once rule over the Earth, and as said too Hemisphere that is, and that would too be in all even said now to refer, and to speak and of what is said Mathematics, of the said Bible too, and if not of what is said Coptic Christianity, and of its said too perceiving one in all, and in speak and of what is said Divinity in itself that is, and of it all as said Creationism too, and as said too now probably centered in all, and in speak and of the said History of the Near East that is, and if not in said reference and to speak, and of the said even Hebrew Pharaohs and of Egypt too that is.

In perceiving the said Western World, and from talk and of what is said Creationism, perhaps now a said even call, and to what is said Clarity in itself, and that would too speak and of what is said Form, and if not of what is said too spirit, and in too now centering the Western World, and in talk of Canada, but in said regard to what is said Form, talk too now and of what is said Quebec, in speak of what is said too spirit, talk too now and of what is said Ontario that is, but in giving it all a said even sense of completion that is, probable talk now and of what is said Identity, and as said too North American, that said to speak of the United States of America, that said Canadian, and as said to in all even refer, and to the said United States too that is, but in speak and of it all as said Northern American that is, and in Identity too, it all too said Western that is.

In finalizing and in all this said, and on what is said Creationism, now is to and in all even perceive it all, and from talk and of what is said Brevity, and in said regard too, and to what a Ruling Council that is, said too Religious, is in all even said to be, and in now referring and to speak and of both Turkey, and of Italy too, and of what a said even Religious Ruling Council that is is in all even said to be, and of the said even Ecumenical Council in Italy too for instance, but of Turkey, of said even now Ruling Councils and that would too now encompass talk of the Middle East, and if not of Egypt too, and in now too referring and to speak of both Turkey and of Italy, and in said relations, and as said Proximate too that is, and if not in said regard to a World and as said too enconceptualized that is, and from talk and of Egypt, the Middle Eastern region, of Central Asia too, and if not of History and as said too perceived and from a said even divide, and that would too speak and of both Spain and Morocco too for instance.

Enya - Only Time :