Sunday, June 11, 2017



If one was to be in all asked, and of the very said even, best of said manners in all, and in the said too defining that is, and of what is in all said Idea, we too could now be said, to in all even perceive it all, and from speak, and of what is said Structure in itself that is. That it all, and in said regard to this very entry, what is said Idea that is, would too and in all be said to speak, and of what is said Simple, of what is said Generic, and if not of the said Basic too, and as said too definitive in all, and of just what, an Idea in itself, is in all too said to be that is.

This very entry though, and as said titled Super-Structures too that is, will in all too deal with, and with talk, and what is in all said as Semi-Consciousness that is, of what is said Elevation too, and if not of what is said as Context in itself too that is. That in said regard and to the said even defining in all, and of what is said Semi-Consciousness that is, and as said too of significant importance here, and in the said even understanding and of what is said Consciousness in itself, and if not in said regard, and to what is said to speak, and of Alertness in itself, or of what is said Alert in itself too that is. That in the said even here, throwing in, and of the very said term of Oversee that is, now we do and in all even have a said term here, and that is too said descriptive in all, and of what is said coordination, of moderation, of monitoring, of the said overlooking etc., and in the said even now defining of it all that is. In talk though and of what is said Elevation that is, talk too now and of the said even Elevating of the Mind that is, and if not as said Consciousness too, but in talk and of what is said Context in itself, we shall too now and in all even refer, and to Consciousness, and as in all said to speak, and of the very said name of India in itself too that is.

That in said too regard, and to what is believed said to speak of the Semi-Consciousness, and if not of what it does mean to be said Alert that is, and as said even now signifying that is, what it does too mean to be in all said alive that is, we can too be said to in all even refer, and to talk too and of a said World today, and as said too perceived in all, and from what is said Chaos in itself, of said Flux too, and if not of what is said Noise in itself too that is.That it all too, can be said to speak, and of said even perceptions, and of the said World, and in said History too, and of the said even Upholding and of the World, and in said Ideal too, and that did in all too speak of the said even old or ancient World that is, and as said too perceived in all, and from what is said Harmony in itself, and as said and Ideal in itself too, and if not in said regard and to the World and as it is today, and in said too Chaos that is, and as said now having to it, nothing much more or less said, and in said regard and to what in all to Uphold that is, and in said even farther regard now, and to what are in all said as Religious Forms that is. That in many a said way, the very said belief here and as espoused by many in the World today, said too as Leadership that is, that the World and as it is today, is too said best perceived in all, and from talk, and of what are in all said as Super-Structures that is, and as merely said too as Political that is.

In too saying that, what is said as Power, Might or Authority too, is too said even embodied in all, and in speak, and of what is said Watchfulness in itself, and if not of the said Watch in itself too, now is to and in all even associate, what is said as Semi-Consciousness that is, and if not of what is said as Alert too, and with talk too now, and of the said even term, and of Support that is, and of what is in all too believed said, to in all Support that is, talk of life in itself that is. That in saying it as said Structure, many a said even here, belief, and in said Substances too, said too Alchemical, and such as that said Iridium for instance, but in too saying it all, all this said, as said History in itself too, talk too now and of the very said name here, and of Solomon that is. That the World we do live in today, and as said even now perceived, and from what it does too mean, to in all Oversee, Undersee, or in said regard to the Seeing in itself that is, can too be said even perceived in all, and from that said name of Solomon that is, and in said regard to speak, and of what is said as Evil in itself, and if not of the said even here that is, cutting into two half's, and of a said even here underage Baby that is.

That for some, the said even origins of Evil, and of Religion too, as said too perceived from talk of the Angels, and as said too named the Watchers for instance, does too now claim it all, to be in many a way, said even, centered that is, and in talk and of that name of Jerusalem, and of it as said too a place, and that would in all want for, to rid of itself, and of any said imaginable Evil that is. That in helping one see all this, and as it is believed said to be, and in said even Structure that is, now is to and in all even throw in, that name of Captain Cook, and in the said even founding of Australia that is, for it is a name, said to in all even accompany that is, talk and of the said even now, erecting of many a said Political Structure that is, and that would in all too come to define the World today, and as said Democratic too, and if not as said Structure that is, and that do too speak and of what is said Slavery, and from talk and of the name of Captain Cook that is, and in said recent History, and as said too as White, African, and if not as said Caste too that is, and that has too and in all even led to speak of societies today, said too as Modern or Western, and as said too defined in all, and by talk and of what is said as skin colours, hair types, facial features etc., and if not of what is believed said to refer, and to what too is said as Supremacist Ideology in itself that is. In saying that, the ways of Evil, are not well understood to most, now is to and in all even claim that, the said even United States of America, said too perceived by many, and as said society simply defined in all, and by what is said social turmoil in itself, is too now believed said Structured, and in said even regard to it said too recent History that is, and alongside said talk, and of the very said names of George Washington, and if not that said Abraham Lincoln too that is. In many a said way, and in said regard to the said even demonizing of many a said groups of people, said too ethnic, and in the World today, and as said believed too speak of those said Jewish for instance, and in a said too Aryan Germany for instance, it too can be said that, such said Structures and in the World today, said even perceived as said oppressive truly that is, would too best be said in all perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Tamil that is, and in said too regard to what is said Caste, and in a said even Nationalist India today too that is.

In talk though, and of the said even Elevating and of the Mind, and if not of what is said Consciousness too, we do now approximate it all, and to the said even Biological nature of the Human that is, and in said regard to speak, and of the only said Reality that is, believed said to exist, believed said too as perceived, and from what is said Projection in itself that is. That in saying, what is said as Projection, and as said Psychology in itself too, now is too best said perceived in all, and in said structure too that is, and from talk too, and of what is said Language in itself, and if not in said regard, and to what is said as Sporadic that is. That in many a said too way, the said even attempt here, and to in all too speak of or refer, and to that said term of Civilization that is, and as believed said not truly definitive in all, and of life and on this very said Earth too, for survival and on this very Earth, is believed said to in all simply speak, or in all too refer, and to what is said Projection in itself, and if not of what is believed said to speak, and of a said even Political Structure in itself that is. That in many a said way, speak here and of Civilization and as said Egyptian, and of it in said Projection, having one simply believe, and in what too is said as Magic that is, and in too saying that, the World today, and as said too appealing that is, would too be said even defined in all, and in said regard to what is said Projection, and from said talk and of said Civilization and in the said Scandinavia too, and if not as said too Norse for instance. 

In saying that, the said even Elevating of the Mind, and in said Consciousness too, does too speak, and of that said term of the Polymorph that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of the very said term here of Centering that is, and as said too descriptive in all, and of what life in itself, is believed said all about that is. That for many, what is believed said to speak of the Centering, is too believed said to speak, and of beginnings, and of said endings too, and in the said even, finding that is, and of ones said place too, said too as station that is, and in life too that is. Something probably best said understood now, and as said to in all even speak, and of the Human, and in said Fear in itself too, and if not in said regard to what is said alien that is, and if not of the said alienable too that is. That it is in speak of the said Centering, and whereby we do in all even simply understand, what is in all said as Polymorphism that is, and in said regard to speak, and of the said Mind in itself that is. That in the said even understanding furtherly, and of what the said Centering, is in all believed said all about, now is to speak and of Women, and of said even Women's Bodies that is, and of their said even, losing their said selves that is, and in said concept or sense too, and in said even regard and to what is said Child Bearing that is, and of the said even idea that is, and of one and as said having, possessing or owning, ones said Physical Body too that is, and in said even farther regard and to what does too pass for said even Gender relations that is, and if not of the said Female Body too, and as said too now perceived in all from talk, and of what is in all, said as Multi-Form that is.

In many a said way too, speak of the said even Elevating of the Mind, and from it as said History too, and that would too speak and of the said names of Mali, and if not of that of Mansa Musa too, and if not of the said name of Hungary too, and as said to in all too symbolise, what is said to speak, and of a said too Christian Europe in itself that is.

In finishing up on all this said, and on what too Super-Structures could too be said even all about, now is to and in all even refer, and to what is said Context, and of the said even History of the World, and in said Evolution too, and as said too perceived in all, and from the said even term of Maturation in itself that is. That what too is said as Maturation, could too be said to in all even speak and of said Plant Structures that is, and of the said even Bodhi Tree for instance, and if not in said too regard to speak, and of the said Sun, the said Moon, and if not of the said Earth, and as simply said perceived in all relative to each other, and in said too regard to what a Full Moon, is in all even said to be that is. 

That in talk and of what is said Context, and from said even perspectives, and of what the said term of Parallels, does in all too signify that is, and of said European History too, as said too perceived in all and  from said Greek Contexts that is, of what is said Religion today, and of Italy too, and of its said History, and as said too perceived in Context that is, of what is said Title, and of what is said History, and as said to speak of Egypt, and in said Context too, but if not in said regard to speak and of what is in all said Context in itself, and in said Parallels too that is, and as said too perceived as said Indian, and if not of said too India that is, and if not as said Tamil truly, said too as Dravidian, and of the said even Tamil Nadu State too, and in said South India today too that is.

In too associating what can be said Dravidian, and in said Context, and with speak too, and of the said even Highest, and of said too Religious Forms that is, or of said Forms too that is, and in said even Visibility that is, now is to and in all even present what is said Context, and from talk too and of what is in all said a Paintbrush that is, and who said ways in all, can too simply be said even perceived, and in said too extremes, and from talk, and of what is said a Scratch and on one said end or extreme too that is, and of what is said a scrape, and on the other said even or extreme too that is, and in too saying that, it can too be said that, the said even rise, and of said South Africa too, and if not of said Australia & New Zealand too, and to a said even enviable Developmental Status that is, is too believed said, and in a said even Symbolist fashion too, to in all arise and with speak and of said even unknown groups, and as believed said even residing, and in a said too pastly gone that is, Boston, America too that is [Link], and in said even now regard, and to just who in all, the said even famed and relatively unknown 'Knights of America', were in all too said to be that is.