Saturday, March 25, 2017

'A Bite of it All'

'A Bite of it All'

When I did in all decide, to in all too create, a whole new Blog, and on a said even wholly differing topic, that of the Symbolist, I could too have been said inspired, and on the very best of said manners in all, and tin bringing my other said Blogs, said too titled 'the Victorian', 'the Live Studio', 'the South Asian Bride', and if not of that said 'Seppuku' too, together, I could say I was in all even driven by the very idea, and if it were said possible, to in all too bring them together, and in a said manner in all, and that would too refer, and to what, an automatic switch that is, would too be said to be. If it could be said possible, that these said Blogs of mine, could too be said one, and from the said even stance, and of what Structuralism, is too said in all to be.

Structuralism too, and that would too be said to in all, help to in all define the World today, and as said too perceived from talk, and of what is said Modernism, and if not of what is said Functionalism too. That what is said Structuralism, is too said even not well understood to most, but could be said perceived in all, and from said International Organizations, and such as the UN for instance, but what too can be said is that, this Blog, will too and in all attempt to perceive talk of the World, and from what is said to speak, and of the latter-day that is, for what some do too term the modern-day, would too be said to speak and of Modernism, but of Functionalism, now is to and in all even mention, what they would too term the present-day that is.

The latter-day, and with it said even a said too interesting manner in all, and of viewing just about anything said, for it does too speak and of just whom in all, the Symbolist is too said to be, and in now too claiming that, the World today, and as said even not understood to most, does in all too have such a said memory to it , and of the latter-day, and as said even to in all arise, and in the said Greek World, said too Hellenistic, and in speak and of what they did too term the Universe that is, Greek, and in its said demise too that is. That the said even result of such a said demise, was said too, the very said even rise, and of a said Italy that is, and that would too and in all claim that, that the World was very much said flat, and that it was too said possible, to in all even sail to the very edge of it all, and fall on through, and away from speak and of what too friction that is, could too be said to be. However, what too can be said is that, ever since Galileo Galilei would in all claim all this not to be very factual, or said actually as such, of a said even Flat World, and with doom spelled out and on its very said edges that is, most to this very day, would be said to not truly understand the World and as it is, falsely believed in all and as said even the Universe, and in too saying that, what they do in all term the World-at-large, and if not of the said Globe too, are in all even said explanative that is, and of the World today and as it is too said even believed to be that is. In saying that, the very said problems in all, the World today does in all even face, does too speak now and of the said Globe, and if not of the said Globe trotter too, we can too say that it is the Globe, and that does too have to it, a said even History, and that would too refer and to talk and of European Slavery and of Africa too, of Colonialism and into Africa, and if not of Imperialism and into Asia too that is, and as said even Portuguese or British too that is. That this Blog, does too and in all speak, and of what is said the World-at-large, and of the said even rise that is, and of the said Victorian World too, and of the very manner in all, we do too perceive each other, and in said regard to what is said the World, for in speak now and of the Middle East and in said example too, it said perceived favourably that is, and from talk and of the said World-at-large, but in speak and of Terrorism all over the World today, and as said even to refer, and to the very name of Indira Gandhi too for instance, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to the said going-ons that is, and of what is said the Globe too that is.

In however attempting to in all explain, and of just why in all, this Blog is said to matter, and away from it as said bringing together the other said Blogs of mine, see here <Link>, and in said talk too, and of what is said the World-at-large, is to now and in all even speak and of it all, and from what is too said the Digital Age that is. That the said Digital Age, can too be said even simply perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Switch, or of the said Switching too that is, but in the said attempt to in all make all this said too clear, now is to and in all even ask, and of what is believed said to in all even truly matter, and in our said lives today, and with it all said too here, and to in all too and from my said even perspective that is, speak, and of what is said to speak of Honour, Loyalty & Respect that is. That it all too, what is said Honour, Loyalty & Respect, would too be said to speak, and of the said One that is, but that in many a said way, all this is said best understood, and from speak, and of what one could too term, the African Story that is. The African Story, or of the very manner in all, Africa today, did in all even come to be, and such that, it can be said that, in a said even short span of Time, many a large or huge, even massive erection that is, is said too put up, all over Africa, and in said regard to what too can be said here to speak, and of what too are said the Rules of Engagement that is. That what too is been said here is that, in said regard and to what too Honour, Loyalty & Respect are in all too said to be, it can be said that, probably, many a said mistake was made, and in said regard and to what is said the African Story that is, and of Africa, and as said never truly attaining its said full Potential that is, or as said even to in all maximize on it all that is, what is said Potential and in Africa too, and by in all claiming that, in speak of Exploration, or of what too Colonialism was too said to be, and into Africa that is, it all probably does not attain its said full expectations that is, and when in all it is claimed that, such said Potential, can too only be said even best perceived, and from talk and of what is said Honour, Loyalty & Respect, and if not of what is said to speak, and of the said even Rules of Engagement that is.

In too saying that, what is said Honour, Loyalty & Respect, can too be said even perceived, and from talk and of the said 1001 Arabian Nights, and if not of the said BBC Masterpiece Theatre series too that is, it all too can be said now to in all even lead, and to talk and of what is said the World-at-large that is, and if not in said even regard, and to what is said the Digital Age that is, it all then can too be said perceived, and from a said even algorithmic function that is, that can too be said to speak and of what are said mirrors, of equals, of parallels, of matches, and if not of said doubles too that is. That this Blog, will attempt to in all even speak, and of the said World-at-large, and from speak and of what the Digital Age, can too be said all about, and as said to now refer, and to the very said here belief that, that what is said Honour, Loyalty & Respect, can too be said even now perceived, and in talk and of what a Switch is in all even said to be, and with it said even now to refer, and to all that is too said change that is. 

That the World today, can in all even be said perceived from what is said change, and of what is said Honour, Loyalty & Respect, and with it all even said to speak, and of what is said the One, and in said too attainment that is, and of all there is to one too that is, and in too saying that, the World and as said perceived from talk of the Digital Age, does too now speak and of the one, and as said perceived from what is said switch that is, and not change truly either, and in the said too perceiving of one, and in talk and of what is said Honour, Loyalty & Respect that is. In putting though, a said even Victorian twist to it all, the one, would too and in all refer and to the said Symbolist that is, and with he or she said too Dickens for instance, said too Sherlock Holmes, of Oscar Wilde too, Tolkien, and if not of that said too legendary character and of Br'er Rabbit, and in America too that is. 

In however now attempt to in all detail that is, what is said Structuralism, now is to and in all even associate Modernism, and with talk of Italy, of Functionalism and of the United States of America too, but in speak of Australia, and with it said English-speaking too, Australian, of its said National Anthem, AUS, or of its said Flag too, .au, and if not of it all said Aussie, and in speak and of Australia Day too that is, and in too saying that what is said Structuralism, could too be said to in all speak, and of the said even History of Spain that is. That while the World is too said presented in all, and from what is said Modernism, and if not of the United States of America too, and as said to in all even differ from what is said Functionalism, what is said Structuralism, now is too said even to speak, and of what is said Critique that is, and of said Critique and in itself that is, and as said too now truly defining in all, and of what is said one, and as said too the Symbolist that is.