Rio de Janeiro.
This very entry, does in all have to do, and with talk, and of what said Reality, one is in all too, believed said grounded in that is. That in talk of such said Reality, it too can be said, one is in all even said to experience, all said even Feelings, and that do in all too speak, and of what is said as Security in itself that is, and that it too can be said that, this very entry, will in all and again attempt, to in all too present said even Views that is, and on what does too constitute, and for said Word Affairs that is.
That it all too can be said, to speak and of those said African, and if not in said regard and to a said even President Barack Obama Presidency and in the said United States of America too that is, and in the said even now asking, and of just what said Reality in all, most said Africans, are in all too believed said even Grounded in that is. That it can be said that, in speak of a said President Barack Obama Presidency in itself, and of the very said even belief that, it too could speak, and of what is said as Reality in itself, many a said African, could too be said even Grounded in, a probable said misunderstanding, and on what too can be said to pass, and for said even American Interests, and in said comparison, and to what too can be said as African Interests that is.
That Africa, and in its said even Modern Setting that is, has too attempted and to in all even Develop, and alongside speak and of said Realities, and as said too Grounded in all, and in said speak, and of said even now former African Kingdoms that is, and of said too African Realms and Domains that is. That it too can be said here that, those said African, and in Africa, do in all even possess or harbour, their own said Interests that is, and in said regard and to what it does in all mean, to be said African, and that in said regard to what are said as African Interests, one does too see a said even rise, or a said even escalation that is, and to talk and of what too are said as the 'Media Wars' that is, and between those said African, and of those said too perceived as such, as African that is. 'Media Wars' too, and that would too lead, and to talk and of what are said as American Interests that is, and in said even regard now, and to what does too speak and of said perceptions, and of the said 'self' that is, and that can too best be said even grounded in all, and in speak, and of what too is believed said as Stable Ground in itself that is.
In now attempting, to in all put, some said credence, and to all this said, and in said even regard now, and to what are said as Word Affairs that is, now is to attempt, to in all even give here, a said brief account, of said even American History too, and in said relations that is, and in said regard to speak, and of said too recent Times that is. That in said regard and to the said present, the United States of America, and as said finding itself, and as said engaged, and in the said Wars in Iraq too, or as said as the Arab Wars too that is, and of the said even name too of Laurence of Arabia and in History, and which all can too be said even now perceived. and from speak, of said American Interests, and that would too speak, and of the said American Government in itself that is. Prior to all this, the said American Government, is too believed said engaged, and in many a said here Secret Intelligence Operation, and that does too speak and of said Military activity, and into said too Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, and if not of the said too Vietnam and Korean Wars that is. Military activity, and that is too said associated in all, and with talk too of said American Liberties that is. Prior to all this, best speak too, and of the said American Civil War, and of what too is said believed to speak, and of said even American Solidarity in itself that is. In saying that, American History is not well understood to most, now is to speak, and of the said Revolutionary War of 1775-83, and from whereby, it can too be said that, the United States of America, is too said even engaged in a War, and that does too speak and of said too special or private Interests that is.
In having said all the above, and that would too speak and of what are said as World Affairs and in said regard to speak, and of Africa in itself too, the attempt and to in all even now, take on said Images, put out and by the said News Networks, and on which said Reality, any of us, can too be said even Grounded in that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is said as Stability, or of said Survival in itself too that is. That in speak and of who is said as the Symbolist, and in said too regard to all this, now is to and in all even claim that, what are said as African Interests, and as said too pertaining to speak and of Africans, and in Africa, would too be said to in all even speak of Africans, and as said too defining themselves, and in said too African Cultural Expressions that is, and in too saying that, in speak of the Other said African that is, said to in all even have to him or her, said too differing Interests, and from those said as African that is, now is to and in all even throw in, perceptions made, and of what is said as Acculturation in itself that is. Acculturation too, a said even here American term that is, and that would too speak, and of the said even Nations of South America that is, and as said too perceived from talk, and of the said Symbolist too that is.